KA.Barcode for Word
How to Generate RM4SCC in MS Word
How to create and print great quality RM4SCC barcode images in Microsoft Word document

How to create RM4SCC barcode labels in MS, Microsoft Word mail merge

  • Easy and quick to create RM4SCC barcode for MS Word 2007/2010
  • Simple to generate RM4SCC barcode labels in word documents
  • User-friendly interface to allow easy RM4SCC setting adjustment
  • Simple to customize RM4SCC barcode module size, image width & height, and rotation
  • High quality RM4SCC barcode created can be printed with all printers
  • No programming background and RM4SCC barcode specification knowledge needed
  • Barcode fonts are not required with this barcode generator
  • Purchase with flexible royalty-free User License
RM4SCC Barcode Introduction
RM4SCC, which is also named British Royal Mail 4-State Customer Barcode, Royal Mail 4SCC, and Royal Mail Barcode, is a linear postal barcode symbology with a variable length. It has been mainly used for automated mail sorting processes.

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RM4SCC Encodable Character Set:
  • Upper-case alphanumeric A-Z
  • Numerical characters: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
  • Open and close brackets: (), [], only used as start/stop bars
RM4SCC Generation in Word

How to Install RM4SCC Barcode Add-In for Word

  1. 1.
    Close all your word documents before installation
  2. 2.
    Download "KA.Barcode for Word" trial and unzip it
  3. 3.
    Run "KA.Barcode for Word 2007 Add-In" or "KA.Barcode for Word 2010 Add-In"
  4. 4.
    Open a word document and click the "Install" button in the pop-up window
  5. 5.
    When finished, an "Add-Ins" tab will be added in the word menu bar

How to Generate RM4SCC for MS Word

  1. 1.
    Open a Word document and switch to "Add-Ins" tab
  2. 2.
    Click "Insert Barcode". And a barcode setting panel will pop up
  3. 3.
    Choose "RM4SCC" barcode symbology and type encodable characters
  4. 4.
    Change ITF-14 barcode default property values, and click "Insert"
  5. 5.
    Now, the RM4SCC barcode image is successfully created
  6. 6.
    You also can make adjustment for the generated barcode image, then click "Update"

How to Insert RM4SCC Barcode in Serial Letters

  1. 1.
    Click the "Mailings" tab, and then go to "Select Recipients"
  2. 2.
    Select an existing recipient list or create a new one
  3. 3.
    Create an RM4SCC barcode image in your main document
  4. 4.
    And then go to "Finish & Merge" to choose the service you need
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How to Create RM4SCC Barcode Labels for Word

  1. 1.
    Activate the "Mailings" tab, and go to the "Start Mail Merge" button
  2. 2.
    Select "Labels..." and choose the label size in the pull-down menu
  3. 3.
    Select an existing recipient list or create a new one
  4. 4.
    Generate a RM4SCC barcode image in the first cell within barcode setting panel
  5. 5.
    Click the "Update Labels", and the rest areas will be filled with the same barcodes
  6. 6.
    Click the "Finish & Merge" button to edit, email or print your documents