KA.Barcode for Outlook
How to Insert ITF-14 Barcode for Outlook
How to generate ITF-14 barcode images in Office Outlook files with barcode generator plugin
  • Work perfectly with MS Office Outlook 2003/2007/2010 versions
  • Users can easily add ITF-14 barcodes in Outlook documents without any barcode fonts
  • No programming skills are necessary for inserting ITF-14 using this barcode generator
  • Quickly install the ITF-14 barcode encoding add-in on Microsoft Outlook
  • ITF-14 barcode bearer bar is supported in Microsoft Outlook documents
  • Changing the size of generated ITF-14 barcodes with pixel, cm and inch is allowed
  • Able to adjust ITF-14 properties, like bearer bar, bar alignment and wide to narrow bar ratio
ITF-14 Barcode Introduction
ITF, Interleaved Two of Five, is an implementation of GS1 standard based on Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode specification. This barcode type is also known as UPC Shipping Container Symbol ITF-14, ITF14, Case Code, UPC Case Code, EAN/UCC-14, EAN-14, UCC-14, DUN-14, GTIN-14, UCC-12, and EAN/UCC-13. And it is designed to mark cartons, cases, or pallets. Moreover, it is also widely used for shipping industry or packaging levels of product by manufacturers and distributors.

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ITF-14 Encodable Characters:
  • Numeric digits 0 to 9
How to Install Outlook ITF-14 Barcode Add-In
  1. 1.
    All MS Office Outlook should be closed before installation
  2. 2.
    Download KA.Barcode Add-In for Outlook trial package for free
  3. 3.
    Unzip this package, and double click to run the setup file
  4. 4.
    Open a new Outlook and click "Install" in pop-up window
  5. 5.
    After the installation has done, you can begin to create ITF-14 barcodes
How to Create ITF-14 Barcode for MS Outlook
  1. 1.
    Open the Microsoft Outlook
  2. 2.
    Switch to the barcode add-in and open the barcode control panel
  3. 3.
    Select the ITF-14 barcode type from the barcode list
  4. 4.
    Input data for the ITF-14 barcodes into the data box
  5. 5.
    To configure the ITF-14 barcode properties, just input the required value in the property box
  6. 6.
    Click "update", and the barcode image will be inserted on your Outlook