KA.Barcode for ASP.NET
ISSN Barcode Generator for ASP.NET
Generate & Create ISSN Bar Code Images in ASP.NET, IIS, C#, VB.NET class library

  • Easy to drag & drop ISSN generating component onto ASP.NET Web forms
  • Support to use in Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Compatible with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010
  • High-quality ISSN, ISSN-2, ISSN-5 barcodes to be generated into BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF
  • Completely run in C#, VB.NET for .NET 2.0 and later version
  • Support all major web browsers, including Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari
  • Compatible with GS1 standard for ISSN,ISSN-2, ISSN-5 generation
  • Support supplement data barcodes ISSN-2 and ISSN-5 barcodes to be created
  • Mature and reliable barcode component used world-wide
  • Royalty-free purchased developer license
ISSN Barcode Library for ASP.NET is one function of KA.Barcode Generator for ASP.NET, which is mature barcode generating component that support major programming language, such as C#, VB.NET, Managed C++ and Borland Delphi for .NET. High-quality ISSN barcodes can be exported in ASP.NET Web forms, IIS, ASP.NET Class, etc. with customized text, margin, size, etc.

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Other ISSN generator, see ISSN barcode in Winforms, ISSN barcode in C#, ISSN barcode in VB.NET, ISSN barcode in Report Services

ISSN Information

ISSN, is also named as International Standard Serial Number, ISSN+2, ISSN+5, ISSN Supplement 2 (Two-digit Add-On), ISSN Supplement 5 (Five-digit Add-On).

Barcode Character Set Sample Image
  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

How to Generate ISSN Barcodes using ASP.NET Barcode Generator

Setup Process

  1. Download .NET ISSN Barcode in ASP.NET Trial and unzip
  2. Copy KeepAutomation.Barcode.Web.dll to your ASP.NET project folder

Drag & Drop KA.Barcode Generator for ASP.NET - ISSN Barcode Library

Add Barcode Control to your ASP.NET Web Forms toolbox

  1. Right click toolbox, choose "Choose Items..."
  2. Goto tab ".NET Framework Components", and click "Browse..." button
  3. Select KeepAutomation.Barcode.Web.dll
  4. Click "OK" button

Producing & Streaming ISSN in IIS

Install our buildin ASP.NET Barcode Generator web application

  1. Copy folder "barcode" in your download the trial package to your IIS web application folder
  2. Create a virtual directory, named "barcode", and link to your just copied "barcode" folder
  3. Restart IIS
  4. Now you have successfully install the ASP.NET Barcode Generator web application
  5. To test it, open your web browser, and navigate to "http://localhost/barcode/barcode.aspx?symbology=0&code-to-encode=977012345"
  6. A ISSN barcode will be displayed
  7. If you want to change ISSN image format, insert a tag <img> onto your web pages <img src="http://localhost/barcode/barcode.aspx?symbology=0&code-to-encode=977012345" />

Producing ISSN in ASP.NET Using C#, VB.NET

We provide 100% C# and VB.NET source code for generating ISSN barcodes in ASP.NET Web forms.

Sample Code in C#.NET Sample Code in VB.NET
using KeepAutomation.Barcode.Bean;
BarCode issn = new BarCode();
issn.Symbology = KeepAutomation.Barcode.Symbology. issn;
issn.CodeToEncode = "977315797" ;


Dim issn As KeepAutomation.Barcode.Bean.BarCode = New KeepAutomation.Barcode.Bean.BarCode
issn.Symbology = KeepAutomation.Barcode.Symbology.issn
issn.CodeToEncode = "977315797";


More ISSN property settings, See ISSN Generation in C#.NET More ISSN property settings, See ISSN Generation in VB.NET