KA.Barcode for InfoPath
How to Create ITF-14 Barcode for InfoPath
How to insert ITF-14 barcode images in MS Office InfoPath forms with ITF-14 Add-In for InfoPath
  • Integrate totally with Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003, 2007, 2010 versions
  • Completely written in .NET applications with either VB or C#
  • Unit of measure can be easily set according to your need among Pixel, CM and Inch
  • Various ITF-14 image formats are available for ITF-14 printing: BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG
  • Provides easy integration for Microsoft InfoPath with ITF-14 barcode images
  • The reference valid encoding data will be automatically showed in the setting panel
  • Show text or hide text can be enable with InfoPath ITF-14 generator
  • Checksum digit can be calculated and added automatically with ITF-14 Add-In for InfoPath
  • Support adjusting ITF-14 image setting properties like font, rotate, bar alignment and so on
ITF-14 Barcode Introduction
ITF is abbreviated form Interleaved Two of Five. And ITF-14 is also known as UPC Shipping Container Symbol ITF-14, ITF14, Case Code, UPC Case Code, EAN/UCC-14, EAN-14, UCC-14, DUN-14, GTIN-14, UCC-12, and EAN/UCC-13. In fact, ITF-14 is an implementation of GS1 standard based on Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode specification. And it is ITF-14 is designed to mark cartons, cases, or pallets.

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ITF-14 Barcode Encodable Data:
  • 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
How to Install ITF-14 Add-In for InfoPath
  1. 1.
    Please close all MS Office InfoPath forms before installation
  2. 2.
    Download the barcode add-In trail package for free
  3. 3.
    Unzip it and double click to run the setup file
  4. 4.
    Open a new Microsoft Office InfoPath to click "Install"
  5. 5.
    Now, this plugin is added in MS InfoPath

How to Generate ITF-14 Barcode in InfoPath

  1. 1.
    Click the add-in tab and the barcode setting dialog can be found on the right side of InfoPath
  2. 2.
    Set "barcode type" with "ITF-14" in the property
  3. 3.
    Input ITF-14 required data (ITF-14 encode 13 numeric digits without the checksum digit)
  4. 4.
    (Optional) Adjust the other properties to meet your need
  5. 5.
    Set a place on the form where the ITF-14 will be placed
  6. 6.
    Please click the "Update" to finish insert an ITF-14 on the InfoPath