Barcode Generator in Excel add in Freeware

Create EAN 13 barcode with check digit in Excel.
No VBA, font, macro formula need

How to generate, display, print EAN-13, gtin 13 barcode with check digit calculator in Excel without using font, vba formula. Free download.

  • Compatible with latest EAN-13 barcoding specifications to ensure validity of printout barcode images
  • Simple to generate professional EAN-13 barcode for GS1 data in Microsoft Excel within a few seconds
  • Easily generate and integrate EAN-13, EAN-13+2 & EAN-13+5 barcode images in Microsoft Excel
  • Insert EAN-13 barcode and adjust size, like module width, height, quiet zones, text margin, text fonts etc.
  • Support linking EAN-13 barcode to cell and allow efficient EAN-13 barcode image to be updated
  • Support Microsoft Excel 365 on Windows, Excel 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013 without using font, vba, macro formula, extra freeware download
  • Support operating systems like Windows 11, Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Windows Servers, etc

EAN-13 Barcode Introduction

EAN-13, also named as European Article Number 13, EAN/UCC-13, GS1-13 & GTIN-13, with variants EAN-13 Supplement 2 (a two-digit Add-On) and EAN-13 Supplement 5 (a five-digit add-on), is a linear barcode which encodes 13 numeric-only data (0 to 9).

EAN-13 Data Code Encoding in Excel

EAN-13 supported characters and data length

EAN-13 barcode can encode numeric data from 0 through 9.

EAN-13 code includes 12 digits of GS1 data message along with a trailing check digit, for a total of 13 digits of bar code data.

EAN-13 may be accompanies by an add-on symbol (2 digits or 5 digits)

Using Excel barcode generator add-in, you can generate EAN-13 barcodes in Microsoft Excel document, by choose barcode type "EAN-13", "EAN-13 +2" or "EAN-13 +5"

EAN-13 code structure

An EAN-13 bar code is divided into four groups:
  • The number system
  • The manufacturer code
  • The product code
  • The check digit
The EAN-13 number system consists of two or three digits which identify the country (or economic region) numbering authority.

The manufacturer code is a unique code assigned to each manufacturer by the numbering authority indicated by the number system code. All products produced by a given company will use the same manufacturer code.

The product code is a unique code assigned by the manufacturer. Unlike the manufacturer code, which must be assigned by the UCC, the manufacturer is free to assign product codes to each of their products without consulting any other organization.

In Excel document, you simply input the first 12 digits EAN 13 code or 13 digits EAN 13 code with check digit. The barcode generator software will automatically create EAN-13 barcode images based on your EAN13 code.

EAN 13 check digit calculator in excel

The check digit is an additional digit used to verify that a bar code has been scanned correctly.

The checksum digit is based on a modulo 10 calculation based on the weighted sum of the values of each of the digits in the number system, manufacturer code, and product code.

Using EAN-13 barcode generator in Excel, you can input 12 digits data with or without the last checksum digit. The barcode software will always ignore your provided check digit, and calculate the check digit based on your first 12 code digits.

EAN-13 Supplemental barcodes (2 digits or 5 digits)

EAN/UPC bar codes may be augmented with a two-digit supplemental code to indicate the issue number for a periodical. Five digits supplemental codes are used with the product number to identify paperback books. To generate EAN-13 with supplemental code, you need follow the steps below
  • Choose barcode type as "EAN-13 +2" for 2-digit supplemental barcode, "EAN-13 +5" for 5-digit supplemental barcode.
  • In the data property, use the following format "12 or 13 digits for EAN-13 code" + "+" + "2 or 5 digits for supplemental code". For example "123456789012+12".

How to generate EAN-13 barcodes using Excel cells data?

In order to help users link single EAN-13 barcode image or multiple barcode images to cell(s), we have sumarrized the following steps.
  1. Generate an EAN-13 or choose a created EAN-13 image.
  2. Click "Link Barcode to Cell" and choose a cell with data.
  3. Click "Update Barcode", and now the EAN-13 image is linked to the cell successfully.
  4. Multiple images can be linked to cells and updated all together.
  5. Revise the contents of those linked cells, choose one linked images, and click "Update".

How to create multiple EAN-13 barcodes in Excel without font, vba, macro, formula?

If you want to add EAN-13 barcode list in Microsoft Excel, this user guide will absolutely be helpful.
  1. Click "Insert Barcode" to activate the "KA.Barcode for Excel" barcode setting panel.
  2. Choose a list of cells with valid data, or select a list of cells and input encodable characters.
  3. Then choose "EAN13" barcode type in the "SYMBOLOGY" pull-down menu.
  4. Click "Insert", and all the selected cells are turned into EAN-13 barcodes immediately.