In this page, you will learn how to quickly create a new Console app (.NET Core) windows application to scan and read barcodes from image files using C# codes.
How to create a new Console .NET Core app to read barcodes using C#?
Step 1: Create a new Console .NET Core app
Create a new Visual C# .NET Core Console App (.NET Core) project. Choose project name as KeepAutomation.BarcodeReader.ConsoleAppDemo
Choose Framework as .NET 6.0 (Long Term Support)
Step 2: Add barcode reader library dll and NuGet package to the WinForms project
Choose "Add Project Reference..." in the "Dependencies" menu to open the "Reference Manage" dialog.
Browser the target assembly
KeepAutomation.BarcodeReader.Standard.dll from the downloaded package
/Dll/netstandard/ and add it to the project by clicking "OK".
Select "Manage NuGet Packages..." in the "Dependencies" menu to open the "NuGet Package Manager" tab.
Select "Browse" tab and search the NuGet package "
System.Drawing.Common" in the Package source ""; and then Install the System.Drawing.Common Version 8.0.8 to the project.
Step 3: Add barcode scanning C# code in the project
Add the following C# source code to file
using KeepAutomation.BarcodeReader;
String inputFilePath = @"C:\Demo\csharp-reader-sample-ean13-barcode.png";
String[] result = BarcodeReader.readBarcodeMessage(inputFilePath, BarcodeType.EAN13);
if (result.Length > 0)
foreach (String msg in result)
Console.WriteLine("Barcode data: '" + msg + "'");
Console.WriteLine("No barcodes scanned!");
Console.WriteLine("PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT:");
In the above C# codes, you will use method
BarcodeReader.readBarcodeMessage() to scan, read all EAN-13 barcodes from an image file using C#.
Sample EAN-13 barcode image
Step 4: Run the WinForms app
Run the Console App from Visual Studio 2022 directly. And you can find out the scanned barcode data message in the console Window.