KA Barcode Reader for C# Library
How to read barcodes in C# ASP.NET, MVC, Windows apps?

Using barcode reader library to scan, recognize 1D and 2D Barcode Images in C# for .NET Application
Barcode Reader for C#.NET > Scan, read, recognize barcode image in C#

KA.Barcode Reader for .NET SDK supports scan, recognize barcodes from image files using C#, VB.NET in ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET framework, MVC .NET WinForms, WPF, and web and Windows applications with C#.NET programming.
Unicode characters in barcode
Most barcode standards have not specified how to encode Unicode characters into barcode symbologies. However matrix (2d) barcodes usually support barcode data encoding with byte array data mode.

Now most of the 2d barcode generator library or software will automatically convert Unicode chars into byte array using UTF-8 encoding mode, and encode barcodes with byte array data mode.

During decoding barcode image using barcode reader software or device, C# developer could read byte array data from 2d barcode symbols, and decode the byte array into string with Unicode text using the same character encoding mode.
How to read, decode Unicode text from barcodes using C#?
In the C# demo source code below, we will explain how to scan and read a QR Code barcode, and decode the barcode data into Unicode text characters.

  • Use method BarcodeReader.readBarcode() to scan, read a barcode image file or object using C#
  • After scanned the barcode image, you will get an object BarcodeResult, which is including all the information from the found barcode. Such as barcode location on the image.